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35Total Time
230Prep Time
35Bake Time

Olive Bread

7 Reviews

  • Egg-Free Recipes
  • Dairy Free Recipes
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan Recipes

About the bake

This Olive Oil bread is made using the Allinson Olive Oil dough - a great starter dough that can be used to create a range of delicious recipes, including this flavoursome and luxurious olive oil bread.

Made in six easy steps, this bread is the perfect accompaniment to pasta or as a starter dipped in balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.

If you’re looking at adding an even richer taste of olive into your bakes, why not try our olive and herb bread, or if you fancy making a different type of bread, try our olive focaccia.

35Total Time
230Prep Time
35Bake Time


  1. Step 1:


    Mix the flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a big bowl. Mix the water and oil together, then stir in with a cutlery knife.

  2. Step 2:

    KNEAD Tip onto a lightly flour dusted surface and knead for 10 minutes (or use the dough hook attachment on your mixer). 

  3. Step 3:


    Lightly grease the mixing bowl with some oil. Put the dough back in, cover the bowl with a clean tea towel and leave to rise until doubled in size.

  4. Step 4:


    Knock back the dough by gently kneading just 5 times to get the air out. Shape into a long oval on an oiled baking sheet.

  5. Step 5:

    Cover the dough again with a clean tea towel and leave to prove until doubled in size again. Preheat your oven to 200°C (fan 180°C, gas mark 6).

  6. Step 6:


    Bake for 30-35 minutes, until golden and when you tap the base of the loaf it sounds hollow. Cool on a wire rack.


  • For the Dough

    • 500g Allinson's Strong White Bread Flour
    • 1 Allinson's easy bake yeast or time saver yeast
    • 1 tsp Billington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
    • 2 tsp Salt
    • 300ml Warm water
    • 50ml Olive oil


  • Mixing bowl
  • Tea towel
  • Baking sheet

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