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How to Make Spun Sugar


A bake topped with delicate spun sugar or a shard of shiny caramel is definitely a spectacle to admire and really perfects a showstopper. This technique may take a while to master but once you have there is no limits to the amount of bakes you can decorate with this sweet delight.



  1. Step 1

    Before beginning this process we would recommend lining your kitchen floor with newspaper. This may seem a bit extreme but believe us sticky caramel can be a challenge to clean from your kitchen and can get anywhere!

  2. Step 2

    To make the caramel place 250g caster sugar and 225g of water in a heavy based saucepan and heat until it begins to simmer. Do not stir the caramel at any point.

  3. Step 3

    If there is sugar attached to the inner side of the pan you can use a damp pastry brush to brush these down the sides to prevent sugar crystals from forming.

  4. Step 4

    You will want to heat your sugar mix until it reaches the hard crack stage or 155°c. This can be measured using a sugar thermometer.

  5. Step 5

    As soon as your sugar reaches this temperature, remove your pan from the heat and plunge into cold water to stop the cooking process and the syrup overheating.

  6. Step 6

    The best way to create spun sugar is to snip the bottom of whisk with pliers, to create a whisk with spikes. If you cannot do this then try using two forks placed back to back (you could secure these together tightly with an elastic band)

  7. Step 7

    Spray the handle of a cooking utensil or rolling pin with non-stick oil in preparation.

  8. Step 8

    Dip the whisk or forks into the syrup and then flick them back and forth over your oiled utensil to create long thin strands.

  9. Step 9

    Carefully gather up the strands and using your hands mould them in to shape.

  10. Step 10

    Alternatively, for a less messy alternative, drizzle the sugar syrup on to a non-stick surface and leave to set to create caramel shards to decorate bakes such as cupcakes or showstopper cakes.