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245Total Time
225Prep Time
20Bake Time

Wholemeal Bread Rolls

32 Reviews

  • Vegetarian

How to make wholemeal bread rolls

New to baking? Give our wholemeal bread rolls recipe a go. They're a delicious and healthier alternative to our white rolls. Perfect for dipping in soup, using as dinner rolls, or popped in a packed lunch.

Tips for making the best bread rolls:

  1. How long do bread rolls last and can they be frozen?
    Our wholemeal rolls will last for a few days in an airtight container, and they can be frozen for up to 3 months.
  2. How do you stop bread rolls getting hard?
    Hard crusts or buns usually mean you are baking on too low heat and for too long, or the dough was not kneaded enough to begin with. Wholemeal flour absorbs more water, therefore requires more kneading.

If you enjoyed making our wholemeal bread rolls, try our classic wholemeal bread recipe.

245Total Time
225Prep Time
20Bake Time


  1. Step 1:


    Mix the flours, yeast and salt in a big bowl. Mix together the melted butter, sugar and water, then mix in with a cutlery knife.

  2. Step 2:

    KNEAD Tip onto a lightly flour dusted surface and knead for 10 minutes (or use the dough hook attachment on your mixer). 

  3. Step 3:


    Lightly grease the mixing bowl with some oil. Put the dough back in, cover the bowl with a clean tea towel and leave to rise until doubled in size.

  4. Step 4:


    Knock back the dough by gently kneading just 5 times to get the air out. Cut the dough into 12 even pieces (use a weighing scales if you like). Roll each piece into a ball and sit on two flour-dusted baking sheets – they’ll need room between them for growing.

  5. Step 5:


    Cover the rolls with a clean tea towel and leave to prove until doubled in size. Preheat your oven to 220°C (fan 200°C, gas mark 7).

  6. Step 6:


    Bake the rolls for 20 minutes or until golden. If you tap the base of a roll it should sound hollow. Cool on a wire rack.


  • For the Dough

    • 400g Allinson's very strong wholemeal bread flour
    • 100g Allinson's Strong White Bread Flour
    • 7g Allinson's Easy Bake Yeast
    • 1.5 tsp Salt
    • 50g Melted butter
    • 1 tbsp Billington's light muscovado sugar
    • 300ml Warm water


  • Baking tray
  • Mixing bowl

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