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Loaf of bread with two slices in front and bread flour pack
155Total Time
115Prep Time
40Bake Time
A little effort

Einkorn Bread

6 Reviews

About the bake

What is Einkorn bread we hear you ask? Well to some Einkorn flour is a fairly new flour for them to bake with, however it is in fact an ancient grain, growing wild for thousands of years before it was harvested and made into flour.

Now, you know what it is, you're probably wondering what does einkron bread taste like? Einkorn's flavour is similar to commerical wheat, but it has a deeper, nutty and toasty essence.

Allinson's have crafted this wonderful malty flavoured Einkorn bread recipe, a delicious twist on your standard loaf of bread. It tastes beautiful made into a sarnie or simply served on it's own fresh from the oven.

If you enjoyed this Einkorn recipe, we think you'll love our spelt loaf recipe, which is also made with Allinson's ancient grains flour blend.

155Total Time
115Prep Time
40Bake Time
A little effort


  1. Step 1:

    Set the oven to 220ºC (200ºC fan, gas mark 7) and grease or line a 2lb loaf tin

  2. Step 2:

    In a mixing bowl add the flour, yeast and salt, mix to combine. Add the sugar and mix into the flour.

  3. Step 3:

    Pour in the water and stir until the mixture sticks together. Knead in the bowl for just a few minutes until smooth. If too sticky to handle add a little flour and knead until smooth.

  4. Step 4:

    Put the dough into the prepared loaf tin and make 3 or 4 slits in the surface with a sharp knife. Dust with Einkorn flour.

  5. Step 5:

    Cover and leave in a warm place until the dough has doubled in size. This will take about 1 hour in a warm kitchen.

  6. Step 6:

    Bake for 20 minutes, then turn the oven down to 200ºC (180ºC fan, gas mark 6) for a further 20 minutes or until golden brown and the underside sounds hollow when tapped. Turn out and cool on a wire rack.


  • For the bread

    • 500g Allinson’s Ancient Grain Einkorn Flour Blend
    • 1 tsp Sea Salt
    • 7g Easy Bake Yeast
    • 1 tbsp Billington's Light Muscovado Sugar
    • 350ml Lukewarm Water

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