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Strawberry Cheesecake

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3 Reviews

Total Time
Prep Time
Bake Time
Serves 8
Serves 8

About the bake

A strawberry no-bake cheesecake is such a great go-to classic recipe. The fruity flavour makes this recipe a real crowd pleaser. With a creamy strawberry topping coupled with a melt in the mouth digestive biscuit base, this recipe will have you salivating. If you haven't made a cheesecake before, this is a really good entry level recipe to try. Our top tip is to cut the cheesecake into wedges while it's still slightly frozen in the middle to help hold it's shape.

9 ingredients7 steps


    1. Step 1

      Line a 23cm spring clip cake tin with a large piece of aluminium foil. Press down well into the base and sides of the tin and leave plenty overhanging the edges.

    2. Step 2

      To make the topping, place 200g of the strawberries in a saucepan with the sugar and 1 tbsp cold water. Cook gently for 5 minutes, stirring regularly until the strawberries are very soft. Remove from the heat, stir in the reserved raw strawberries and leave to cool.

    3. Step 3

      Put the biscuits in a freezer bag and bash to crumbs with a rolling pin. Mix with the melted butter. Tip the buttered crumbs into the prepared tin and press firmly into the base to create an even layer. Put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes or until solid.

    4. Step 4

      Just before the base is ready, use an electric whisk to beat the condensed milk, cheese and cream together until thickened – this will take around 5 minutes. Add the grated zest and beat until the cheese mixture forms very stiff peaks.

    5. Step 5

      Spoon over the biscuit base and top with the cold strawberry sauce. Open freeze for 3 hours or until solid. If you are not freezing the cheesecake, simply chill in the fridge for 3-4 hours before serving.

    6. Step 6

      If freezing, after the 3 hours, remove the cheesecake from the tin in its foil. Cover with the overhanging foil and seal firmly to keep out as much air as possible. Wrap in a second layer of foil, pop into a large freezer bag, label and freeze for up to 3 months.

    7. Step 7

      To serve, unwrap the cheesecake while frozen, removing all the foil, and put on a plate or cake stand. Thaw at room temperature for about 1 hour before serving. If leaving any longer, place in the fridge. Eat within a couple of days.


    • For the topping

      • 450gStrawberries (hulled and hlaved) 
      • 50gBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar 
      • 1 tbspWater (cold) 
    • For the base

      • 250gDigestive biscuits (roughly broken) 
      • 100gButter (unsalted) (melted) 
    • For the filling

      • 397gCondensed milk 
      • 300gCream cheese 
      • 200mlDouble cream 
      • 1Lemon (zest only) 

    3 Baker Ratings

    Great recipe! It turned out very good and everybody liked it. The only problem I had is that the cheese mix melted very quickly. I actually had trouble knowing whether the mix was done or not when mixing. Maybe adding some photos would help the cheese mix just right. It tastes amazing by the way! Thank so much for the recipe.


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    I made this and it tasted very nice

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