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Traditional Mince Pies

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2 Reviews

Total Time
Prep Time
Bake Time
Serves 24
Serves 24

About the bake

Who doesn't love a mince pie? There's nothing better than the start of the festive season being served a warmed through home-made minced pie.  This traditional mince pie recipe (One of Santa's favourites) has a deliciously short and buttery pastry crust. They are so simple to make and an adorable homemade gift. For an extra special touch why not try making your own mincemeat too?

7 ingredients6 steps


    1. Step 1

      For the pastry, place the flour and sugar in a large bowl and using your fingers, gently rub in the butter and lard until it resembles breadcrumbs (or place in food processor and whiz until it resembles breadcrumbs).


      If you prefer to follow along step by step with a video, this clip shows you how to make your shortcrust pastry. 

    2. Step 2

      Add 2-3 tbsp of ice cold water, a little at a time, until it comes together in a soft dough. Knead gently into a ball, wrap in cling film and chill for 15 minutes.

      Ingredients for this step

      • Ice cold water (3 tbsp)
    3. Step 3

      Preheat the oven to 220 °C (fan 200°C, gas mark 7). On a lightly floured surface, roll out half the pastry until 3mm thick. Take a 7.5 cm fluted cutter and stamp out 24 circles and use to line 2 x 12 hole bun tins.

    4. Step 4

      Place a heaped tsp of mincemeat into each pastry case.

      Ingredients for this step

      • Mincemeat (600g)
    5. Step 5

      On a lightly floured surface, roll out the remaining pastry and using a 7cm fluted cutter, stamp out 24 lids and place on top of the mincemeat.

    6. Step 6

      Bake for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the tins, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve warm or cold.


    • For the Pastry

      • 500gAllinson's plain white flour 
      • 200gUnsalted butter (chilled & cubed) 
      • 75gLard (chilled & cubed) 
      • 3 tbspIce cold water 
      • 3 tbspBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar 
    • For the Filling

      • 600gMincemeat 
      • For dustingSilver Spoon Icing Sugar 


    • Mixing bowl
    • Rolling pin
    • Fluted 7cm cutter
    • Cupcake/muffin tray

    2 Baker Ratings

    It obviously shouldn’t be labelled as vegetarian. but for those non vegetarians - myself included - the combination of lard and butter by far makes the best mince pie.

    Baking Mad


    We will get this label amended,

    Thank you
    Happy Baking!

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    lovely recipe which uses traditional ingredients - I'm glad you didn't change it suit a fussy eater who lacks the brain cells to simply use all butter. A decent meal might help her grow them back

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