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30Total Time
10Prep Time
20Bake Time
A little effort

Welsh Cakes

2 Reviews

About the bake

Our Welsh Cake recipe follows the traditional method of cooking the sweet dough on a shallow frying pan or griddle. Welsh Cakes are often referred to as griddle cakes and usually contain dried fruits such as currants and warming spices. We've used mace as the spice for this recipe but you could just as easily replace with cinnamon or nutmeg. This Welsh Cakes recipe is really one to experiment with, swap ingredients, change the dried fruit or even cook on a panini griddle!

30Total Time
10Prep Time
20Bake Time
A little effort


  1. Step 1:

    Sieve together the flour, salt, sugar, mace, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar.  Rub in the butter and stir in the sultanas.

  2. Step 2:

    Make a well in the centre and pour in the egg and milk.  Stir until mixture comes together to a light dough.

  3. Step 3:

    Heat your griddle or frying pan to a moderate to medium heat.  On a well floured surface, roll out the dough to 1/2 cm or so.  Use a floured biscuit cutter to cut out rounds.

  4. Step 4:

    Grease the pan lightly with butter or vegetable fat.  Cook the welsh cakes for 10 - 12 minutes, turning once.  Control the heat so that the surface turns golden brown, and not too dark.

  5. Step 5:

    Serve warm with butter.  Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.


    • 250g Allinson's Plain White Flour
    • 1pinch Salt
    • 75g Billington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
    • 1 tsp Mace
    • 1 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
    • 1 tsp Cream of tartar
    • 90g Butter (unsalted) (plus extra to grease)
    • 90g Sultanas
    • 1 Egg(s) (free range) (beaten)
    • 3 tbsp Milk (whole)


  • Sieve
  • Griddle pan
  • Biscuit cutter

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