We all love a great cinnamon roll recipe, but this one shows your how to make cinnamon rolls with a festive twist. Fabulous cinnamon roll knots, filled with gooey cinnamon sugar and chunks of golden caramelised white chocolate, topped with golden cream cheese frosting, glistening Christmas sprinkles and an easy-to-make homemade bauble clasp. This is the perfect recipe to get creative in the kitchen this Christmas!
For the bauble decorations you will need: Christmas sprinkles, gold foil mini cupcake cases, Christmas ribbon, toothpicks and cellotape.
16 ingredients18 steps
Nut Free
Step 1
Start by making the dough. Measure the butter into a bowl and microwave for 60 seconds until fully melted. Set aside and leave to cool for 10 minutes.
Step 2
Measure the milk into a jug and microwave for 60 seconds. The milk needs to be 40°C/110°F to activate the yeast. No thermometer? Test the temperature by dipping your finger into the milk, it should feel like warm bathwater.
Step 3
Pour the warm milk into a large bowl of an electric mixer.
Step 4
Sprinkle the yeast on top and let it sit for 1 minute. Add the melted butter, sugar, whole egg and egg yolk. Use a wooden spoon to mix the ingredients.
Step 5
Add the white bread flour and salt. Use your wooden spoon to work the mixture into a rough dough.
Step 6
Using a dough hook, knead the dough on medium speed for 8 minutes. The dough should be smooth, springy to the touch and the bowl clean. If the dough sticks to the bottom of the bowl, sprinkle in a tablespoon of flour. No electric mixer? Just tip the dough onto a floured surface and knead by hand for 10 minutes.
Step 7
Lift the dough out and lightly brush the inside of the bowl with oil. Place the dough back inside and cover with cling film. Leave to prove for 60-90 minutes in the warmest area of your house. The dough should have doubled in size (it helps to take before and after pictures to see the difference).
Step 8
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Stir the muscovado sugar and cinnamon together in a bowl. Chop the chocolate into very small chunks. Chop the butter into small cubes.
Step 9
Grease a 12-hole muffin tin with butter and set aside for now. Lightly flour a worktop and rolling pin. Roll the dough out into a 30×38cm rectangle. Use the back of a spoon to rub the softened butter into the dough, leaving a 1cm margin around the edge.
Step 10
Scatter the cinnamon sugar on top and work it into the butter. Scatter the chocolate chunks on top, lightly pressing them into the dough.
Step 11
Take one of the long sides and fold it inwards so the long edge lines up with the middle of the rectangle. Now fold the other section on top (see photos for guidance). Roll the rolling pin over the dough a couple of times to press the layers together.
Step 12
Trim off the very end pieces to make straight lines. The cut the dough (from long edge to long edge) into 3cm wide strips. You should be able to make 12-14 strips into total.
Step 13
Use the palm of your hand to flatten each strip. Then make two cuts down the length of each strip starting 1cm from the top to make three strands. Plait the strands together, then roll the plait up to make a knot.
Step 14
Place the knots in the muffin tin holes, cover with clingfilm, and leave to prove again for 45-60 minutes or until the buns have risen and puffed out.
Step 15
Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan). Bake for 15-18 minutes until golden and firm on top. Leave to cool in the muffin tin for 10 minutes, then gently twist the buns to release them from the tin. Let cool on a wire rack.
Step 16
To make the frosting, first chop the chocolate into small chunks and place in a bowl. Microwave for 60 seconds or until melted. Stir and set aside to cool. Beat the cream cheese and icing sugar together until well combined. Fold in the cooled melted chocolate. If the frosting feels too thick, stir in the milk to loosen.
Step 17
Spoon the frosting on top of the buns and scatter a few sprinkles on top.
Step 18
To make the bauble clasp, cut a small piece of Christmas ribbon about 10cm long. Make a loop and then place a toothpick between the two end pieces of ribbon. Secure with a piece of sellotape. Punch a small hole in the base of the mini cupcake case and thread the toothpick through so the ribbon loop is poking out the top. Push the toothpick into the bun to attach the clasp.
For the dough
60gUnsalted Butter
180mlWhole milk
7gAllinson's Easy Bake Yeast
50gBillington's Unrefined Golden Caster Sugar
1Egg (medium)
1Egg yolk (free range) (medium)
460gAllinson's Strong White Bread Flour
1 tspSalt
For the filling
120gBillington's Light Muscovado Sugar
3 tspCinnamon
100gCaramelised white chocolate (Caramilk)
60gUnsalted Butter (room temperature)
For the frosting
100gCream cheese (at room temperature)
50gSilver Spoon Icing Sugar
50gCaramelised white chocolate (Caramilk)
1-2 tbspMilk
Microwaveable bowl
Measuring jug
Electric mixer
Wooden spoon
Cling film
Sharp knife
12 hole muffin tin
Rolling pin
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